Thursday 10 April 2008

Spring flowers

The sun is shining and temperatures are around 15 C.
Flowering in the garden right now are what are called minor bulbs.
They brighten the early spring days.
The snowdrops have gone already and just starting to put on a show are the following.

One of the wood anemones that is particularly appealing is the one with lavender-blue flowers. The foliage even has a lavender-blue tinge. This particular favorite was introduced many years ago about 1870. Another little bulb that deserves much more garden space is the pretty little bulb, Puschkinia that is sometimes called Siberian squill.
The flowers are pale blue, a rare color in spring, with darker deep-blue lines down each petal. The display are short-lived, so I would suggest placing these bulbs where they are easily seen. For the longest time, I assumed this bulb was named for the famed Russian writer, Pushkin. But I have since learned that the bulb was named for Count Puschkin who collected unusual plants in the Caucasus. This one, too, is a spreader, especially if the flowers are allowed to set seed.
I have placed these bulbs by the side walk and over the years they have indeed spread.

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