Sunday 6 April 2008

I been tagged!

Rosanne tagged me to relate 7 things about myself.
The rules:
1 Post the name and URL of the person that tagged you.
2 Post the rules.
3 Write the 7 things about you.
4 Put the links up to 7 of your favourite blogs.
5 Name 7 people you tag.
6 Post a comment on their blog to let them know they have been tagged.
It has been rather quiet this week on my blog because of the following 7 reasons.

1 Trip down to see how the new house is coming along, fun to see how it is coming along , Sherry got her first chance to see the house.
it is drywalled
basement floor is poured

bathroom vanities and kitchen cupboards and flooring are all waiting to be installed

2 Packing boxes everywhere, found out I do not like a mess around me.

3 Sorting for moving yard sale loading up the garage, downsizing it is called.

4 Making an effort to take a break each afternoon to sip a cup of tea with a small healthy treat or not.
Sour cream coffee cake with cinnamon,lemon zest and montmorency cherries.

Loving apple and peanut butter together.

5 Spring yard work, snow is finally going , sore already..

6 Love spring bulbs
The first snowdrops and crocuses

Icicle pansy starting to flower

Rosemary plant out from winter storage

7 The concept of Pay It Forward Exchange appeals to me. It’s based of the concept of the movie “Pay it Forward” where acts or deeds of kindness are done without expecting something in return, just passing it on, with hope that the recipients of the acts of kindness will pass on more acts of kindness.Wouldn't it make a nice world.
So here’s how it works. I will send a handmade gift to the first 3people who leave a comment to this long tag post requesting to join this PIF exchange.
I do not know what that gift will be yet, but it will be sent (within the next month) and that’s a promise! What YOU have to do in return, then, is pay it forward by making the same promise on your blog. Or if you don't have a blog you need to do an unexpected nice thing for a friend, family or coworker then add a comment here to let us know what you did. Hope you will join this party.

Seven blogs I visit regularly are;
Bits of Life
Living and Gardening in Idaho
Empress of Dirt
Canadian Baker too
My Cottage Rose
Country Cottage Chic
Bumpkin Bears

These are also the 7 people I have tagged.


Rosanne said...

Wow, you've been busy! Good idea to take a tea break.

Ally Jay said...

looks like you have had your hands and your head full. Good to see the PIF doing the rounds. What an awesome concept.

Victoria Williams said...

Hey Rosemary, looks like you've been busy! PIF sounds great.