Sunday 12 August 2007


My Mom told me I would like this movie( I could relate to the clothes and hair)
Rosanne told me I would like this movie(John Travolta fan from Vinnie Barbarino days)
Kim and Victoria told me I would like this movie( makes you feel good)
You were all RIGHT!
Loved the music, Queen Latifah just amazing , the clothes and hair took me back to my youth .I wore the shirtwaist dresses, I have pictures of me in a french curl with teased poof on top, John Travolta can still move, loved the whole 2 hours.
Walked out feeling happy.
There is even a family distant relation in the movie.
My son in law Willie's
brother Geoff( he is a stunt man here in Hollywood North)
was in the opening act when Nicci Blonsky gets a ride on the garbage truck to school it is Geoff driving and giving her a thumbs up.


Rosanne said...

I thought that looked like Geoff when I watched the movie! It is good isn't it?

Victoria Williams said...

That's cool that you know someone in the movie. I figured you'd like it.