Friday 24 August 2007

End of August Flowers

Can you believe there is only 1 more week left in August.
Weather here is warm and muggy.Temps in the high 20 C. and nights low 20's.
We are finally getting rain after a very dry June and July.
Of course with rain comes mildew and black spot. Can never please a gardener.
Still a few things in the garden are doing well.
I smile every time I look at my volunteer.
Volunteer? someone who helps you in your garden?
I wish!
I noticed in June little plants growing and thought "looks like salvia".
So left them to see what was happening.
Lo and behold it was and now they are in full flower all through my garden , and interlocking bricks too. Never happy .
Last year planted Coral Nymph Salvia, an annual. Loved it , very tough, long flowering,lasting long into the fall enduring several frosts,could not get it this year.This toughie came through our very cold winter and is putting on an amazing display.

Pretty isn't it.

Another favourite flower for late in our season is Japanese Anenomes this one is called September Morn , maybe after the Neil Diamond song. Lovely rose colour. Even if it isn't named after that song I like to think so ,it is one of my favourite songs.

This is a ittle area I like in my gardens with the purple coneflower, the Swan, a David Austin rose, tree peonys ,anenomes,
Emerald cedars, balloon flowers , perennial hibiscus that is in full bud, picture when open to follow, and white marigolds.


~~ Melissa said...

I can't believe August is ending. I'm in denial, actually....That Coral Nymph Salvia photo is gorgeous!

Victoria Williams said...

Love your garden photos! So far I only have white anenomes blooming, I hope I planted some pink ones also. I have that exact salvia, and I'm loving it. I hope mine will come back next year too.