Friday 13 March 2009

Fourth Folder Fourth Picture

Let's have some fun!

Rosanne has tagged me on a game started by Stephanie of Adventures in Life, the directions are to go to the fourth file in your picture folder,choose the fourth picture and post it on your blog.
I don't have picture folders but I do have albums .
Picked out the fourth album, 4th page, 4th picture.

The grandchildren in 1998 playing with bubbles in the back yard of our old home.

A twist on this game rather than tag anyone in particular , those that would like to play , make a comment on this post and I will then post and link to your Blog!
Looking forward to seeing your pictures!


Rosanne said...

Oh my, that was 10 years ago and they are all so small!

Anonymous said...

Hard to believe that was 10 years ago, but my, yes, they are all so small!!!! Time flies when you are having fun!!