One of the few things we have found wrong in our new house has been the ceramic foyer floor. The sub floor was not supported properly causing some movement. The builder and flooring contractor have been trying to repair it. However the tile can't be matched.Hard to believe so quickly tiles go in and out of fashion and colours.
Off I went to the meet with the flooring company to try to decide what can be done.
The options are making a custom floor look or taking up all the tiles in foyer , kitchen and bathrooms and we move out. Oh No!We are trying the first choice.
This Thursday the tiler is coming to take up some of the tiles , clean them put the cleaned ones down on the edges and main area by the kitchen then in the foyer by the front door a darker tile will be set on a 45 degree angle and the edge will be a combo of broken tiles using the existing light tile and the new dark tile. On paper this sounds good. Have never heard of tiles being lifted cleaned and re laid . Still if it works would make the problem of the floor easier to solve.
I just hope it will look as good as I think it will and it goes smoothly. In the end I should have quite a custom look.
I will be working my last shift on Thursday so won't see the floor until Friday.
Crossing my fingers and toes that this works and looks fabulous.
You can bet I will be posting pictures.
Hmm, I like the sounds of the border using broken tiles. Will await the updated pics!
Ouch! I hope that it goes smoothly for you. I am leery of tile because it is so permanent and expensive. I bet it will look fabulous when it is done though. :)
Good luck with the floor. I'm betting it turns out well.
Congrats on your last day of work!!!!!!!! That's so exciting.
I cannot believe the shoddy workmanship that goes into homes nowadays. Though your floor will be beautiful when it's finished, it should have been done correctly the first time. Stand up for your rights and make sure they fix it properly. Many contractors do patch-it jobs and leave the homeowner to clean up the mess. My daughter and SIL experienced this in the home that they had built.
Good luck.
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