Sunday 15 July 2007

Summer Fruit and Vegetable Season

Went to the farmers market and loaded up on lots of fresh fruits and vegetables.
So what did I do with all this great food?

Made freezer raspberry jam( my fav), froze 4 bags of raspberries for use in the dead of winter.

Made a rustic raspberry and blackcap pie.

The piece of pie I had yummy with Devon clotted cream on top.

Lots of salads.
Cherries just eaten as a snack.

The best had to be the fresh,first of the season
corn on the cob, peaches and cream, so very sweet, slathered in butter.
Can hardly wait for more corn with BBQ'ed Hot dogs, yep love hot dogs!

1 comment:

Rosanne said...

It all looks so good and fresh!

What's your favourite hot dog?

People at work were just saying that Red Hots are the best!

Love your pics and the rustic pie!